heritage and knowledge transfer

commoning as a means to share information and develop understanding for participating people, perhaps in textile

colour from food waste for textile

zad chantier

up cycling textile project

combating food waste through social gatherings

commoning as a means to tackle food waste
One Army
Fixing Fashion
Stories behind African textiles
Video about wax print
Kanga Zanzibar textile
Cooking study for people of different ages


Cooking study of mothers teaching children



19/ nov
Design ideas
Available body warmers in second hand shops.
11/ nov
Design ideas
- log book can be messy, no need to be chronological

- can also be random

- add info where needed if relevant, anything works

The first time I went there I went as a market runner and assisted in bringing the food we collected to their location on Kipstraat. The process was quick, thankfully to the relationship Robert has with the farmers and market vendors. They see him and directly throw food into the wheelbarrow and baskets. Part of it also has to do with the waste that farmers produce and how it leads to a lot of methane in the air which costs more for them. In a way this process is mutually beneficial.
We realised that the market vendors very much depend on Robert and since this is a crucial part in the event they set up each week, we thought it might be useful to create a recognizable way for farmers and market vendors to recognize GZG members. This idea is also there in case Robert gets sick or is unable to participate that week

Above is a design of the body warmers, and we have also done primary research for available body warmers in second hand stores.
I sadly wasn't there in person but I got to hear how they worked together and how the element of cooking is a learning experience for most. The day before we had brought a lot of food, most notably: avocados, brussel sprouts, potatoes and bananas. This time the challenge was more the amount rather than thinking of a dish that could incorporate all of these elements, since most of the ingredients were roasted in the oven.

Initially I wanted to help with cooking but since I joined late and much help was needed for cleaning for after, I instead decided to give help where help was needed. I joined them for the food and got to enjoy the company of the people who participated that day. I got to learn more about the dishes they made and who they were.

What was beautiful to me was that they were working with what they had and in some way they had incorporated ingredients and strategies from their own cultures to the food, and since most of them come from different nationalities they basically made food from all over the world, but in a little place.

At the end of dinner Fenne asked for assistance to people who came, since it would take a long time for just us two to cleaning everything. I then felt this sense of comradery, because we suddenly had 8 people in the kitchen, each of us cleaning a small portion. I later also found out that they don't pay for the facility they occupy, which means that the whole system is based on trust that they will clean up and be allowed to come back next week. It was beautiful to see that the people who come there to eat, are willing to help to keep this event going.
We ran into a problem regarding the implications of the idea of a body warmer, sure it works well in winter but in the summers the garment would just get in the way. We let this be known to Iris and she had the idea to make a hat, which we thought was brilliant. I designed the hat with their logo but also made my own iterations
15 euros
29.50 euros
www.kukka.nl textile creates patterns on small tapestries from the perspective of colour blind people

https://www.schepersbosman.com/ got leftover material from a Auping factory in deventer
Today I joined the market running and got a chance to presented the idea(s) to Robert. Robert was not that opinionated and instead sent us to Balthazar, another member of GZG who is a co-founder I believe. For the rest of the day we walked around the market and got plenty of vegetables, we didn't even visit half the market but the wheelbarrows were already full
29/ nov
market running
Writing the log book and ideas I may have for it:

- start with anecdote? something relatable
- could start with "bereket" (either way still mention it, I think it would be nice)

- from the perspective of education through a means of doing
- talk about habit and exposure (maybe the study mentioned above, the one about moms and cooking)
- name examples such as story telling or technique transfer through textile
- the community behind it
- could also talk about the Zad Chantier
combating food waste through social gatherings

commoning as a means to tackle food waste
heritage and knowledge transfer

commoning as a means to share information and develop understanding for participating people, perhaps in textile

colour from food waste for textile

zad chantier

up cycling textile project

possible angles:


all that jazz that's in ur book